J. Richard Hollos

Last updated: 04/22/2024 21:33:56

pa1129 07/25/2016 Richard on Mount Tileston summit
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Like my brother Stefan, I have degrees in Electrical Engineering (B.S. Univ of Louisville) and Physics (M.S. Univ of Louisville). Stefan is like the professor on Gilligan's Island, who can make a radio with a coconut and a few scraps of hardware. I am more like Gilligan, the essential human element in the realization of the professor's ideas.

In addition to math, physics, electronics and math related art, I enjoy writing and publishing books of a technical nature with Stefan (abrazol.com).

Recent Publications:

You can follow our work at our blog Abrazolica, and at Exstrom.com.

I have taken part in research with my brother Stefan on lattice Green functions, electromagnetic modeling, development of software for electronic band structure calculations, NMR signal processing, data analysis, magnetic field measurement circuits, data acquisition circuits, and RF circuits for an NMR spectrometer. We are authors of the book Signals from the Subatomic World: How to Build a Proton Precession Magnetometer.

Here are my thoughts on some of the books I've read.


Other interests/hobbies:

Thanks to my brother Stefan's influence, I went from a fried chicken and whopper luvin bubba to eating only plants. I stopped just in time to prevent serious heart disease and having to take cholesterol lowering medication.

We cultivate and eat dandelions, and line dry our clothes. My favorite philosophers are Alan Watts, Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ and Siddhartha Gautama.


Contact information:
J. Richard Hollos
richard[AT]exstrom DOT com
(303) 678-1487

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