We have a coin toss app for the Chrome browser. If you buy the app in the chrome web store you get 98 additional coins, for a total of 103 coins, and advertisements are also eliminated. The coin images are courtesy of the U.S. Mint. The price is $29.95 (with 25% going to one of two Colorado wolf sanctuaries), but for today it's free.
The coin tosser can be useful for games, for helping you make decisions when you're not sure, for entertainment, and for generating binary (2 symbol) data.
The coin images are all United States coins, courtesy of the U.S. Mint. Some of the coins are beautiful and educational, portraying historical events, people, and places. For example, one coin honors the heart surgeon Dr. Michael E. DeBakey with a beautiful image of the heart. The Hawaiian state quarter indicates it entered the union in 1959, showing the state motto: “UA MAU KE EA O KA ‘AINA I KA PONO” (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness).
If you buy the app you are also helping wolves. 25% of the purchase price goes to one of two wolf sanctuaries in Colorado. Mission: Wolf in southern Colorado (Westcliffe), and Wolf Sanctuary in northern Colorado (LaPorte). As our name suggests, we are fond of wolves. Mankind has been in close contact with wolves for probably at least 100 thousand years, and all dogs, which humans are so fond of, are wolf derivatives. In meeting a wolf, we touch our past.
© 2010-2012 Stefan Hollos and Richard Hollos
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