12 Metaphors for the Stock and Bond Markets
posted on: Wednesday, December 29th, 2010, 9:23
- Sherman and Peabody: The bond market is Peabody who is thoughtful and knows what to do. The stock market is Sherman.
- Yogi and the Ranger: Yogi (stock market) is out to satisfy his appetite. The Ranger (bond market) is responsible for maintaining order.
- Musical chairs: the FED is playing the music, inviting the public to join the fun. When the music stops, the bankers will be sure to occupy the chairs.
- Pied piper: The FED and the bankers are enticing an ever larger crowd to follow them to a better place. The public will end up over a cliff, dashed on the rocks.
- Climbing mountains: Climbing is hard, at some point you reach the top, and the only way to go is down.
- Magnetic spin system: Energy and tension can only build to a certain point before there is a dramatic reversal.
- An ecosystem: To make money you can be a specialist like a woodpecker, or a generalist like a jay.
- Ideal engine: There is a theoretical limit to the efficiency of the markets.
- Playground of the devil: He moves prices to inflict the most pain upon the most people.
- Coyote and Roadrunner: Banks and hedge funds with direct connected high speed computers are the roadrunner. The ordinary investor is coyote.
- Quest for the Holy Grail: Whether you profit, is as much a function of what's inside your head, as it is an external search (Thanks to Van Tharp for this metaphor).
- A creek: There's a net flow in one direction, but there's plenty of examples going the other way.
© 2010-2012 Stefan Hollos and Richard Hollos
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