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For \(\pi\) day plus one, here is a derivation of Wallis's formula for \(\pi\) that is based on probability distributions. Start with the binomial distribution for a fair coin toss. The probability of getting \(k\) heads on \(n\) tosses is
Assume an even number of tosses, \(n=2m\). Then the distribution has a maximum at \(k=m\) of
For large \(n\), the binomial distribution can be closely approximated by a Normal probability density function give by
where \(\mu=n/2=m\) and \(\sigma^2=n/4=m/2\). The maximum at \(x=\mu\) is
Comparing this with the maximum for the binomial distribution and taking the limit as \(m\to\infty\), you get
Now we just need the following double factorial identities
Then we can write
and \(\pi\) can be expressed as
or in product form as
This is almost Wallis's formula. To get there, note that
Substitute this into the above formula, take the limit and you get Wallis's formula
Is that cool or what?
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