Tanima Peak (12,420 ft, 3,786 meters), 08/10/2003

Started hiking from the Wild Basin Ranger Station at 6:47. We went up to Thunder Lake, then continued on, reaching the Lake of Many Winds at 10:03. Stopping at the lake to apply some sunblock and have a drink of water, we then headed up to the pass. We reached the top of the Boulder-Grand Pass (12,061 ft, 3,676 meters) at 10:27. From there, we turned left, and made it to the Tanima Peak summit at 10:46. We had the summit all to ourselves the whole time we were up there. We found a summit register, but it was in an old metal tube that evidently was not watertight so that the pages inside were moist and crumbling, and it was not possible to write anything inside. With thunderclouds developing overhead, we left this beautiful lonely summit at 11:29. Returning the way we had come, we reached the Lake of Many Winds at 12:06. We returned to the trailhead and the truck at 15:41.

Topomap of Tanima Peak Area