TBAND is a Windows program for calculating and plotting electronic band structures using the Slater-Koster tight-binding method.
can be used to calculate crystal band structures for simple cubic, body centered cubic, face centered cubic, diamond, and zinc blende lattices.
- Calculations can be performed using either two center or three center integrals and orthogonal or non-orthogonal basis sets.
- Most lattice types support up to third nearest neighbor interactions for all basis sets.
- Parameter files for producing highly accurate band structures for several elements in the BCC, FCC and diamond structures are included.
- The program allows multiple band structures to be calculated, plotted, and compared.
- Band structures can be calculated along an unlimited number of arbitrary lines in the Brillouin zone of the lattice.
Click here to download (0.7 MB) TBAND for free.
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Email Stefan Hollos:
stefan[AT]exstrom DOT com
Tutorial - Electronic Band Structure Calculations